Sunday, April 26, 2009

Little Miss Maggie

Our very first lamb, Magdalena ("Maggie") is a week old today. She is quite a little spitfire and keeps her mom - Cupcake - on her toes. Being the oldest, she is the most mobile of the lambs and therefore the most adventuresome at this time. It cracks me up to watch her run over to another lamb and sniff it, then try to sneak up to the mom for a free meal. The ewe doesn't allow this, of course, and will butt her away. As she is getting into trouble around the pen, poor Cupcake loses track of her and will start calling and wandering around...and Maggie doesn't always answer or come back! Ahhhhh - the joys of having a toddler....!!

Here are some photos that I took of her yesterday:

Hmmmm....what an interesting rock...

...I think I'll try to climb on it...

...Wow! What fun!!

That rock was so much fun to climb I think I'll find something else to climb....

Wonder if I can climb up here?

Do you think that Mom will mind?

Oh what fun! I'm Queen of the Cupcake!!

1 comment:

cowgirljlynn said...

Maggie is so cute! She is really curious!