Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The "Mystery Project"

As promised in my previous post -
here are photos of the Mystery Project:The base in place
Location - end of donkey paddock near the
old boy sheep pen (which will be dismantled)
Wall number one goes up
Note the "Official Supervisors" - Sweet Pea and Rita
(any time something is happening around the farm they just have to check it out!)
Wall number two is attached
Helper/Gopher Evan is holding the level to assure proper alignment

Attaching one of the front walls

Front wall finished
Evan is standing by to hand out nails/screws as they are needed!

Placing the interior structures

The back wall goes up

Kirk does his first ever shingling job

Ranger checks out the finished project...
making sure that everything was done in proper fashion
**A special thank you to Dan Roskos for taking time
out on a beautiful Sunday afternoon to help Kirk.**
So, did you figure it out?
What is the Mystery Project?!?


crazy sheep girl said...

Chicken Coop! Am I right?

Artful Gathering said...

They did a great job on YOUR CHICKEN COOP! Looks good...

yellowdogknitting said...

chicken coop schmicken coop that's a wine hut! Us chickens are gonna sit in there and drink Jeremiah's mighty fine wine. and knit ;p