Monday, December 10, 2012

A Very Sheepie Christmas to All!

I've been having fun looking for "sheepie" items to add to my Christmas list.  Since those who frequent this blog are probably just as sheep crazy as myself I figured ya'll would like to see some of them!! 

Mary Kilvert has some of the cutest sheep illustrations, as well as needle felted sheep.  She is located in the UK, so shipping takes a wee bit longer than here in the states.  Her items are well worth the wait though!  Here are some of her needle felted sheep:
Crate and Barrel has some really cute sheep ornaments:
Aren't these earrings from Etsy seller Mark Poulin absolutely adorable? 
Wouldn't you fellow knitters LOVE to have a set of these adorable stitch markers from Etsy seller Cofanetto?!?
I've purchased notecards before from greysgreetings on Etsy.  Love them!!
I have this tee shirt from CafePress.  I've actually had someone stop me and ask, "What is a Sheep Whisperer?"  Apparently they'd never heard of a horse or dog whisperer...and that there could be such a thing as a sheep whisperer.  LOL! 

If you don't want to wait and see if you're a winner, you can always direct order a Babydoll Southdown calendar from Zazzle.
Want to wrap all of your sheepie goodness up with the right paper


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