Friday, July 8, 2011


It was inevitable.  I LOVE "Shaun the Sheep."  I own a sheep farm.  So it's perfectly obvious that at some point I was going to name one of my sheep "Shaun" - right? 

Remember Maggie's cute little ram lamb?  The one that I was going to I didn't give him a name?  The poor guy has been referred to - but only in my head, not out loud - as "Bitsy Bean" all this time.  Well, I've decided to keep him.  He is SUCH a beautiful ram (or shall I say "handsome") and has a wonderful personality to boot.  Of course, he hasn't really hit puberty yet so he still could turn into a little toot, but right now he is a sweetheart.  By this, I mean that he hasn't tried to ram me yet.  He will come up to me (and sometimes lick my leg), but he has yet to even dip his head in my direction.  Now THAT is my kind of ram.  His daddy is totally the opposite.  Master Keegan was a toot from day one.  He even butted my friend, Lea, the day that we picked him up from Sheepfields Farm!  I've had to give Keegan "refresher" flips (flipping him on his butt any time he tries to ram me) on a frequent basis. One time I even had to throw a half-full bucket of water in his face to get him to back off. Needless to say, he totally avoids me when I have a bucket now. However, his son is another story.  This guy is as sweet and laid back as his mom - Maggie. 

When I announced yesterday that I'd finally decided to keep Maggie's ram, my son Evan asked "so, what's his name?"  When I replied that he didn't have a name, Tony (my daughter's fiance) piped up and said "Shaun! Shaun the Sheep!"  I immediately googled the name Shaun.  It is Celtic and means "God's Gift."  Yes!!!  I knew that this was the perfect name for this little guy! Shaun.  Shaun the Sheep (of Kellane Farm)!!


TDawn Maddox said...

aaaaw! Those are some lovely pics of him, he's really grown since I was there! he is a really beautiful lamb, he has some of Maggie's facial features too. I also love your name choice!

Michael J. said...

Great pics! What a cutie pie1